Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fashion Week Columbus Photos: Pop Princess Debut

Now that Pop Princess is an official debutante of the world, all dressed in frills and ribbons from head to toe... I thought it was time to share some of the photos with you! I know you've been waiting to see how the rest of the dresses turned out, and you have been oh so patient with me!

Please enjoy and take a peek into the Etsy store as they will all be for sale very soon. : 3

I would like to very much thank my darling, lovely models for being so fun to work with and my sweetie pie friend, Xandre, for his good eye and wonderful photos!

*Photography: Xandre King ...
Models: Cheyenne I. , Hayley S., Kaleah H., Emily A.

*All designs belong to and are copyrighted by Pop Princess/Annika Simmons.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fashion Week Columbus: Success for Pop Princess!

Dear Lovely Readers,

I am sure you are wondering where on earth I have disappeared on this long hiatus and I apologize for neglecting you with posts and other updates to keep you apprised on all things cute! While the absence was long, I promise it was well spent!

Many long hours and sleepless nights were devoted to finishing up my four garments and accessories that debuted this last Friday, October 14th, at FWC (Fashion Week Columbus) with my partner in crime and good friend, Joella. With our nimble fingers and a good deal of coffee, we ruffled and sewed and beaded our little hearts out until the night of the show! We had a few hiccups here and there (like the kitten running off with a button I needed and returning it... today, which meant an extra trip to the fabric store) but in the end we endured and turned out a beautiful show.

We arrived at the place of the show at 2:00 pm, and was there until 8:00 pm when the show finally took place. It was a mess back stage with everyone steaming and ironing and some still sewing on their pieces, eating candy and chips, and mostly being bored as there was really not much to do until hair and make up went in to play.

Look forward to a few photos to be posted up here, and then for the dresses and garments to be sale on the Etsy shop! : )

If you couldn't attend, here's a sneak peek at the garments that went down the runway!
Congratulations and time to sleep!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion Week: 1st Garment

Hello hello my lovelies, as promised your first sneak peek at the 1st dress for fashion week!
Now... I have not slept much this week so I do apologize for any grammatical or spelling (i.e. sleep deprived) errors that I make. Bear with me!

I will probably go into this in more detail at a later date, but this dress was one of the most difficult things I have ever made!! And we had to make it in 3 days, and took 1 entire day to sew because the organizers decided to randomly have a photo shoot and spring it on us Monday morning... With the help of my trusted friend and partner in crime, Joella, we managed to whip this together on such short notice. (Note to self or others: Chiffon ruffles are a PAIN and SUPER TIME CONSUMING. But...oh so cute. >.<)

Hope you love it my dears! The rest I'm keeping a secret so come to the big runway show October 14th! ; )

*Design is copyrighted by and belongs to Pop Princess/Annika Simmons.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fashion Week Columbus: A Royal Inteview

I thought I would post up my designer interview for Fashion Week Columbus! I had the very nice pleasure of being interviewed by a singularly witty and nice man named Renard Green from Web Tv Columbus! ^_^ Skip ahead to 3:15 for the interview! Enjoy, my sweets!

Fashion Week Columbus: Eye Candy Casting Call from WebTVOhio on Vimeo.

In other news... A Petticoat Review!

It seems like forever since my last post updating everyone on how the first garment for FWC was going! My delay has been due to, among other things, not enough time in the day. Which I'm sure is a common issue that most of us suffer from and I feel like their ought to be a cure to that by now with all the technological advancements in place. Alas! We'll have to wait till they sort that one out...

Fashion week is coming up so so so quickly! I've been wearing my cute little fingers to the bone draping, making patterns, sewing samples, adjusting, re-sewing samples, but I have FINALLY begun the actual sewing in real fabric. I might say it's a little overwhelming but I'm just trying to take my time, go slowly, and do my best to not make any mistakes---should have a full garment posted up by Thursday to show!

Speaking of said garment, I recently purchased my first ever chiffon petticoat as I needed something to give me that nice cupcake poof! : ) In light of such an exciting event, I've decided to write a quick review and then proceed to flounce around in it till my heart's content.

Petticoat Review of ReSashay:

I was in a tizzy near the end of last week because I realized that though I was using a lightweight chiffon and gauze cotton that my ruffled dress was going to weigh a ton and therefore not have the full fluffy shape that I hoped for! So I scrambled about on the internet to do some research to see where other Lolita had purchased their petticoats, read reviews, and see where to buy what for the best bargain. I was about to shell out $50 dollars not including shipping when......

I stumbled across ReSashay by complete accident and was delighted (neigh, ecstatic! thrilled! overjoyed!) to find a square dancing consignment petticoat website! Customers have the choice of purchasing brand new items from the site for normal price, or buy used items that are graded from a scale to show how worn/used if it all. (And in some cases, like mine, they are re-manufactured, meaning they bought out a store going out of business and are selling them at half price!) And at $35 dollars and up for gently used petticoats you bet I was happy happy girl!

The petticoats were made of all different materials so you had your pick: nylon, organza, organdy, or chiffon! They came in all different shapes, sizes, and yardage too and even different colors like bubblegum pink. (They even carried the infamous Malco Modes petticoats all the girls rage about!) The price was based on condition, wear, and brand of course.

I wavered between choosing the fabled Malco petti and one called Sam's Manufacturing, which was only five yards less of chiffon than the other but still the same price. I chose Sam's because... well it looked cute, and to be honest I wanted one in pink... : o I inquired as to the shipping with one of the ladies via email there who was VERY quick to respond, very sweet, and helpful! She told me it would take 2-3 days to reach me, which met my deadline for a photo shoot.

I purchased the petti on Thursday evening and by Friday it was on it's way! I tracked it online as it came from Maryland and on Friday at 3:30 pm it was waiting for me at my apartment! Like a princess in a candy store I went to town opening it!

At first glance the petti might not look very fluffy, but as I took it out and tried it on, twirled around in it, tried on my Baby the Stars Shine Bright dress, and eventually put it on the dress form (reluctantly I might add) it just got fluffier and fluffier and FLUFFIER! : O It was like it had a life of it's own and kept growing!

LOOK HOW AMAZINGLY FLUFFY IT IS. I just wanna squish it! On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the fluffiest, I would definitely give it an 8.5! If you're looking for a petti that's adorable, cost effective, and super super soft and fluffy then I suggest checking out ReSashay online! ; )

Go on! Take a peek...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pop Princess' Royal Court

I would like to welcome a new member to the royal court today, and may I introduce her as one of the kindest, sweetest, and most sugary coated fabric seller that I have had the very good honor to buy from. Not only will her fabrics make your heart ache with your willingness to break open that precious porcelain piggy bank, but her gentle hearted spirit will fill your eyes with stars and endless smiles.

Let us welcome one of the Princess' favorite Etsy fabric seller...

Yoshimi at:

I first fell in love with this jewel of a fabric store when browsing Etsy one day searching the endless search for kawaii fabrics. (Can't we all relate to spending hours and hours squealing inside our head, twirling in circles, and jumping with delight over cute fabrics? Er... maybe that's just me.) Normally, when I'm searching on Etsy perhaps I see a few adorable things sprinkled here and there, but none that really grip my soul and whisper softly, "Buy me, buy me." When I clicked on Emi Craft though... oh how my heart raced! Pages and pages of beautiful, sweet and kawaii fabrics, so many it could cause even the most rational girl to swoon!

Most recently over the summer I was swept up with great passion of a girl in love, star struck and starry eyed... over possibly the cutest fabric I'd ever laid eyes upon! Bunnies, oh bunnies, their fuzzy faces and beady soft eyes just staring up at me from Emi Craft's store! Oh how I swooned over this fabric, and I knew, I knew, that I had to make it mine least I die of a broken heart... (I have no real substantial evidence to support said claims, but I believe the outcome is quite possible and the eventuality of a broken heart real enough.)

When I was about to expire from excitement... my knight and prince in shining armor road in and promised that he would fight dragons and wield his sword to the death if only to bring me back sweet, sweet bunny fabrics! With a kiss on his cheek, my prince road off into the sunset and...

Oh my, that was a bit dramatic wasn't it. : ) My prince did buy me said fabrics, the darling dear, and in about 3 weeks they were at my door! The pink one I will be using in the fashion show!

Back to my real story, ahem! When we purchased the fabrics, it was the first time I had a chance to interact with the seller of Emi Craft and let me tell you, if you don't walk away with sunshine in your eyes and happy birds twittering around your head in happiness... well, I don't know! Because that will never happen. Dear Yoshimi-san is genuinely the sweetest, most kind hearted person and knowing that her precious fabric is going to someone is special to her and after talking with her for a long time, I admire her so much for that!

Before I ramble on to much, please go check out her store and buy many cute things as they will fill her heart and yours with pink parfaits and smiles!

Fashion Week: Progress

I do apologize for the long time in between updates, but until now I really didn't have much to show! Which is a shame really because I ought to have something to share with you on a more frequent basis. I give you permission to fully chastise me on the matter, and tell me to write more often!

The weekend was a particularly long one as I spent most of it in the lab trying to delve back into the world of pattern and draping. After having a 3 month hiatus away from it, I realized quickly that it is very hard to simply jump back into it. It's like I needed someone to jump start my brain with sweet treats to get thinking again, so mostly I just blundered around until I found my bearings again and felt like such an idiot when I realized the mistakes I was making were so elementary. Hmmm...

I am pleased to be able to share with you some progress though finally!! Now I know it does not look like much right now, my dear followers, but I promise you it's only a test muslin mock up and needs a lot of refining until I put it into real fabric. This will be one of my dresses for Columbus Fashion Week.... Now just imagine a cute print, tiered ruffles all the way down the skirt, and a darling little blouse to go underneath it and the model will have a pink hat with a big bow.

I do hope to have further progress photos for you by the end of this weekend! And if you'd really like perhaps I'll even do a "Sewing with the Princess" entry showing you my start to finish process, but only if it interests you! ; )

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Princess and her Toys

It's been a singularly strange week for me since I am venturing into my last and final year as a Senior here at CCAD, and let me tell you... after attending university full time since I was 16, I am very much ready to graduate! The school week has started, well for most everyone but me it seems, which I am still getting used to! It's strange realizing that I'll literally only be taking Portfolio and Collection for an entire year. That's the first time in six years I haven't been a full time student. : ) (I know, fellow students, I apologize that while you are hard at work I am playing with fabric! Hah.)

Ah listen to me prattle on already... before I bore you all to death, I thought I would share with the things that I've been working on this week and over the summer. In the midst of preparing for Columbus Fashion Week, which is quickly approaching in October, I have started making my patterns and preparing sample garments to fit the models here in a few weeks. I'll be basing my collection on Lolita inspired garments and accessories, as those of you that know me well, know that is my first love! Hopefully, I'll have photos for you shortly. ; )

Aside from that, I thought I would share some jewelry designs and other things you can look forward to soon being posted on the Etsy Pop Princess shop! As a part of my royal family, you all get the sneak peeks! Enjoy! (Keep your eyes peeled for more goodies coming soon!)

*Just as a gentle reminder, all designs are copyrighted to Pop Princess by Annika Simmons.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pop Princess' Royal Court

During my blogging days, I would like to feature another indie designer whom I admire once in awhile and bestow them the admiration and praise they deserve! I will welcome them into my royal court and feature a link of their choice on my blog for you to stroll over for a visit at leisure!
Sounds neat right? Let me know if you'd like to be considered, cutie!

For our first new royal member of the Candy Kingdom, I would like to welcome a long time honoree and much admired indie designer.......

Natascha at : , aka: Insanely Sweet!

For many years now, back when she was calling her shop Ginerbread Jewelry, I have immensely cooed and swooned over the scrumptious, delightful designs that can only be found at Natascha's Etsy! She creates more than mere trinkets which seem to litter the market place, but carefully crafted designs of a candied wonderland, created by an equally as sweet and talented soul.

Featured are a few of her older designs, which I still love very much! Over time her style has evolved to a perfect sugary confection of delight, and each once is carefully crafted by hand and gleams with the love of its creator. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent favoriting her items on Etsy and always looking forward to the next batch of goodies! (I personally own the picnic basket necklace below, one filled with cookies! Yum!) Each piece is as unique as a snowflake and you'll never see another created like it in the whole world, which creates a sense of something completely special, as if it was made just for you.

Natascha, herself, is one of the most creative and kindest sellers that I've had the pleasure to work with. Her talent and unique perspective is one without parallel, and I assure you will fall as quickly in love with her designs as I did. You can see where her designs get their sweetness from, enough to give you a toothache! ^_~ Go check out her shop and see if your next visit isn't to the dentist....

If you're looking for quick sweet fix, visit her blog at:

*All designs featured belong to the lovely Natascha!

Welcome to the Candy Kingdom

I've always felt a bit strange when considering introducing myself to the world through a blog. Should I say hello and briefly introduce myself? Prattle on about the things I'm interested in, or what it is you can expect during your stay at Pop Princess. It all seems unlikely that any of you would really be interested in reading such things, and a bit rude considering I can't really invite you to sit for a cup of tea. Ah, none the less, I feel it would be more rude for us to be strangers without a proper introduction.

Firstly, welcome to my blog and thank you for taking time out of your day to visit! My name is Annika Simmons, and I am currently a senior attending Columbus College of Art and Design, a fashion major and part time princess. Like any princess, I enjoy snuggling with my two beloved daughters, Hopscotch Bunny and Cookie Kitty, both of plan to attend Le Sorbunne University and Purrinceton. One of my favorite activities is strolling around in a frilly dress with my Prince Richie, holding hands and sipping tea. When I'm not designing or frollicking, I love to sit somewhere in the sunshine and dream the day away about tea parties and acquiring super cute fabric.

I recently finished an internship over the summer with Anna Sui, and I must say it has inspired me to forge on into the unknown, to be true to my heart, and put myself out there in hopes to capture your hearts, my darlings, as an indie designer inspired by the modern day Rococo we call Lolita. I hope in this blog I will be able to take you on that adventure by sharing my thoughts, creations on Etsy, and mishaps along the way promising a heartfelt time and a lot of laughs.

Until then, I happily wait to hear from you and wish you a lovely, candy sprinkled day!

Yours truly,