Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Princess and her Toys

It's been a singularly strange week for me since I am venturing into my last and final year as a Senior here at CCAD, and let me tell you... after attending university full time since I was 16, I am very much ready to graduate! The school week has started, well for most everyone but me it seems, which I am still getting used to! It's strange realizing that I'll literally only be taking Portfolio and Collection for an entire year. That's the first time in six years I haven't been a full time student. : ) (I know, fellow students, I apologize that while you are hard at work I am playing with fabric! Hah.)

Ah listen to me prattle on already... before I bore you all to death, I thought I would share with the things that I've been working on this week and over the summer. In the midst of preparing for Columbus Fashion Week, which is quickly approaching in October, I have started making my patterns and preparing sample garments to fit the models here in a few weeks. I'll be basing my collection on Lolita inspired garments and accessories, as those of you that know me well, know that is my first love! Hopefully, I'll have photos for you shortly. ; )

Aside from that, I thought I would share some jewelry designs and other things you can look forward to soon being posted on the Etsy Pop Princess shop! As a part of my royal family, you all get the sneak peeks! Enjoy! (Keep your eyes peeled for more goodies coming soon!)

*Just as a gentle reminder, all designs are copyrighted to Pop Princess by Annika Simmons.

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