Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pop Princess' Royal Court

I would like to welcome a new member to the royal court today, and may I introduce her as one of the kindest, sweetest, and most sugary coated fabric seller that I have had the very good honor to buy from. Not only will her fabrics make your heart ache with your willingness to break open that precious porcelain piggy bank, but her gentle hearted spirit will fill your eyes with stars and endless smiles.

Let us welcome one of the Princess' favorite Etsy fabric seller...

Yoshimi at: http://www.emicraftinjapan.etsy.com

I first fell in love with this jewel of a fabric store when browsing Etsy one day searching the endless search for kawaii fabrics. (Can't we all relate to spending hours and hours squealing inside our head, twirling in circles, and jumping with delight over cute fabrics? Er... maybe that's just me.) Normally, when I'm searching on Etsy perhaps I see a few adorable things sprinkled here and there, but none that really grip my soul and whisper softly, "Buy me, buy me." When I clicked on Emi Craft though... oh how my heart raced! Pages and pages of beautiful, sweet and kawaii fabrics, so many it could cause even the most rational girl to swoon!

Most recently over the summer I was swept up with great passion of a girl in love, star struck and starry eyed... over possibly the cutest fabric I'd ever laid eyes upon! Bunnies, oh bunnies, their fuzzy faces and beady soft eyes just staring up at me from Emi Craft's store! Oh how I swooned over this fabric, and I knew, I knew, that I had to make it mine least I die of a broken heart... (I have no real substantial evidence to support said claims, but I believe the outcome is quite possible and the eventuality of a broken heart real enough.)

When I was about to expire from excitement... my knight and prince in shining armor road in and promised that he would fight dragons and wield his sword to the death if only to bring me back sweet, sweet bunny fabrics! With a kiss on his cheek, my prince road off into the sunset and...

Oh my, that was a bit dramatic wasn't it. : ) My prince did buy me said fabrics, the darling dear, and in about 3 weeks they were at my door! The pink one I will be using in the fashion show!

Back to my real story, ahem! When we purchased the fabrics, it was the first time I had a chance to interact with the seller of Emi Craft and let me tell you, if you don't walk away with sunshine in your eyes and happy birds twittering around your head in happiness... well, I don't know! Because that will never happen. Dear Yoshimi-san is genuinely the sweetest, most kind hearted person and knowing that her precious fabric is going to someone is special to her and after talking with her for a long time, I admire her so much for that!

Before I ramble on to much, please go check out her store and buy many cute things as they will fill her heart and yours with pink parfaits and smiles!

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