Monday, September 12, 2011

In other news... A Petticoat Review!

It seems like forever since my last post updating everyone on how the first garment for FWC was going! My delay has been due to, among other things, not enough time in the day. Which I'm sure is a common issue that most of us suffer from and I feel like their ought to be a cure to that by now with all the technological advancements in place. Alas! We'll have to wait till they sort that one out...

Fashion week is coming up so so so quickly! I've been wearing my cute little fingers to the bone draping, making patterns, sewing samples, adjusting, re-sewing samples, but I have FINALLY begun the actual sewing in real fabric. I might say it's a little overwhelming but I'm just trying to take my time, go slowly, and do my best to not make any mistakes---should have a full garment posted up by Thursday to show!

Speaking of said garment, I recently purchased my first ever chiffon petticoat as I needed something to give me that nice cupcake poof! : ) In light of such an exciting event, I've decided to write a quick review and then proceed to flounce around in it till my heart's content.

Petticoat Review of ReSashay:

I was in a tizzy near the end of last week because I realized that though I was using a lightweight chiffon and gauze cotton that my ruffled dress was going to weigh a ton and therefore not have the full fluffy shape that I hoped for! So I scrambled about on the internet to do some research to see where other Lolita had purchased their petticoats, read reviews, and see where to buy what for the best bargain. I was about to shell out $50 dollars not including shipping when......

I stumbled across ReSashay by complete accident and was delighted (neigh, ecstatic! thrilled! overjoyed!) to find a square dancing consignment petticoat website! Customers have the choice of purchasing brand new items from the site for normal price, or buy used items that are graded from a scale to show how worn/used if it all. (And in some cases, like mine, they are re-manufactured, meaning they bought out a store going out of business and are selling them at half price!) And at $35 dollars and up for gently used petticoats you bet I was happy happy girl!

The petticoats were made of all different materials so you had your pick: nylon, organza, organdy, or chiffon! They came in all different shapes, sizes, and yardage too and even different colors like bubblegum pink. (They even carried the infamous Malco Modes petticoats all the girls rage about!) The price was based on condition, wear, and brand of course.

I wavered between choosing the fabled Malco petti and one called Sam's Manufacturing, which was only five yards less of chiffon than the other but still the same price. I chose Sam's because... well it looked cute, and to be honest I wanted one in pink... : o I inquired as to the shipping with one of the ladies via email there who was VERY quick to respond, very sweet, and helpful! She told me it would take 2-3 days to reach me, which met my deadline for a photo shoot.

I purchased the petti on Thursday evening and by Friday it was on it's way! I tracked it online as it came from Maryland and on Friday at 3:30 pm it was waiting for me at my apartment! Like a princess in a candy store I went to town opening it!

At first glance the petti might not look very fluffy, but as I took it out and tried it on, twirled around in it, tried on my Baby the Stars Shine Bright dress, and eventually put it on the dress form (reluctantly I might add) it just got fluffier and fluffier and FLUFFIER! : O It was like it had a life of it's own and kept growing!

LOOK HOW AMAZINGLY FLUFFY IT IS. I just wanna squish it! On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the fluffiest, I would definitely give it an 8.5! If you're looking for a petti that's adorable, cost effective, and super super soft and fluffy then I suggest checking out ReSashay online! ; )

Go on! Take a peek...

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