Monday, February 25, 2013

The Illustrator FINALISTS! Prepare to be amazed!

No, seriously, guys. Hold on to your hats! You knew these lovely ladies were talented, and that was just their semi-final submissions. (And if you missed those, take a peek here.)

Are you ready? Are you prepared to be wowed and wooed by the gorgeous fabric designs ahead of you? Are you certain you can handle it? Those faint of heart should look away! Get ready....


✩ Name: Katie

For our first contender, she comes in a cute pint sized package of black and white frills and an adorable smile! Katie absolutely beams when she talks about her passion for illustration, as well as her love for all things Japan. She chatters on amiably with such a great spirit for story telling and adding the warmth of laughter to a room. 

Her print features little Hopscotch frolicking through a strawberry garden, looking out at you with sweet innocent eyes as butterflies flit about her head and whimsical clover, daisies, and bows rain down from above. 


✩ Name: Mars


The gorgeous and spirited Mars, mother of a cute baby girl, with adorable pink and lavender ringlets framing her pretty face is in the next corner of the ring! A style of illustration completely unique as the artist---her wide eyed girls look out from their frames with sultry stares and a hint of mischief amidst lush brush strokes and bold colors.

This print features an intricate use of tromp l'oeil, and decadent amounts of detail, framing an almost royal Rococo-esque Hopscotch in a gilded frame. A quilted like background accents the delicate lace and cascading arcs of ribbon.


✩ Name: Flor

Finally, our last champion in the ring hails from Mexico who is as sweet as a peach, and so bubbly in spirit! Flor is as every bit talented as she is modest, and adorable. Her adoration for illustrating, as well as desire to be a part of the Pop Princess experience, and follow her dream, shines through in both her hard work and interview questions.
Flor went a more celestial route with her print, with my little baby bun gazing out dreamily into the night sky, little fuzzy face beaming with star light and the buzzing of fireflies.  Hoppy truly looks at peace in this starry garden, chasing after falling stars.

Flor was so excited, she did several different versions! Which delighted me. ^-^ (Which version do you like best? <3)


You're impressed, aren't you? Aren't you? I know I am!!! I am just absolutely blown away by the amount of detail, time, and passion each of these truly amazing and talented girls put into their fabric designs. They are just absolutely stunning, really breathtaking in my opinion. And I am sure you will agree, dear readers! Aren't you glowing with pride? I know I am!

So go on, VOTE! ~ and tell us which one is your favorite design you would like to see go to print!

Post your comments belooooow and cast that cute ballot! <3

Which print do you want to see be the first Pop Princess fabric design?

Share this post with family, friends, fans, and followers and anyone you can think of! ^o^

Perhaps your adding it to your dream list already....hmmmmmm. : 3



  1. Ahhhhhhhh An even tougher decision! >.< They're all too cute! But I think the Starry Garden is my top favorite! I hope it wins! ♥ I would so buy it! I looooooove bunnies! And the faces are so sweet!

    1. Kieli, my dear, I feel the SAME way! :o They are all so talented, and it is a very tough decision!!! The votes are still coming in, so it is going to be a super cute, tough race! :3 xo

  2. It will be really difficult,all of them ar truly talented *v*
    But if I had to choose I would choose Flor,her print looks so professional and cute,and when I saw the drawing of the girl with the dress,I instantly thought it was one of my dreamdresses *v*
    Well,actually they 3 must be very proud of her work :D

    1. o^-^o Hotaru, I think so as well. They should be very proud having worked so so so hard, and they are each very unique and wonderful in their own way. <3 xo

  3. Ooh, this is one tough decision, dear! I certainly do not envy you. The arcs of ribbon and the lace on Mars's design is enchanting, but then Katie's bunnies seem so lifelike... and yet Flor's has such a cutesy feel...
    For myself, if I was really hard-pressed to choose, I guess though I would choose Katie's. I somehow have to think of Beatrix Potter when I look at it:-)

    1. I am so happy to hear you chime in your vote! <3 Beatrix Potter!! That's a really good analogy actually. Clever, girl! :3
