Monday, February 11, 2013

Pop Princess Illustrator Call: Meet the Semi Finalists!

As you might recall, Pop Princess forged ahead at the beginning of last month to scout some talent for the brand in hopes to find an illustrator to collaborate with for custom fabric designs! Within minutes after posting the illustrator call to EGL forums, the submissions seemed to flood in from all corners of the globe with much clamor and enthusiasm. Never have I seen so many cute, eager artists ready to take on the challenge of designing for Pop Princess!

With the deadline coming to a close, we have had over 30 applicants apply for the position with entries posted not only on the forums, but received through private messages on both Livejournal and through the blog here. Each illustrator wrote a brief introduction about who they were, and why they wanted to work for the brand, as well as including links to their portfolios. Each of these artists is immensely talented, and I was overwhelmed with their enthusiasm and spirit to be a part of the brand, to take on the opportunity to make something a reality. Honestly, I just wanted to scoop them all up and keep them in my pocket!

It was a trial to narrow down the list of candidates, going back and forth between portfolios, and making that tough choice of who to keep for the semi finalists round and who would not be there. It is a weighty thing to choose, a real struggle. How could I justify one person staying over the other, when all of them had so much heart and talent? Why couldn't I just keep them all, and not disappoint a single one?

For all of you that tried out for the position, I want you to know that this was not an easy decision! Each and everyone of you were deserving and I was constantly blown away by the amount of talent all in one place. I know in my heart, you will go to do great things, and one day I will have the pleasure of saying I knew you once! This is not the end. ^-^ I have all your names/emails on file so you may just hear from me again!

I am even considering the possibility of Pop Princess doing a "featured artist" in the future, where we will turn one of your illustrated fabrics/designs into a reality and sell them as an exclusive collection!
These six girls really have been a joy to get to know thus far in the semi-finalist rounds! Each one of them is absolutely talented, and completely unique in both personality and illustration style. They each have shown an amazing amount of passion in both their interviews, as well as the art work itself. But what they all have in common, besides being crazy talented, is how passionate they were about becoming part of the brand, Pop Princess, and working with me!

It has been overwhelming reading their interview responses, and feeling so proud and honored to have these six among the semi-finalists! Each candidate was required to submit a "final" piece of their artwork to display here on the blog, 3 rough sketches for my viewing, answer their interview questions, and illustrate a fabric design sketch based upon the creative prompt I gave them.

As some of you know, my little baby bun, Hopscotch passed away over a year ago suddenly and I have always wanted my first print to be dedicated in her honor. Here was the creative prompt, each illustrator received as inspiration:

--> " Meet my little bun bun, Hopscotch, when she was just an itty bitty rabbit. She was a blue eyed white Holland Lop, who was very cute and adorable. Sadly, she passed away suddenly one day a few weeks after her one year birthday. She was always flopping and hopping about, munching happily on yogurt treats and delicious veggies.

Since she passed, I knew that I wanted my first print for Pop Princess to be in her honor. I know, that probably seems a little silly but she meant a lot to me and I want to remember her always this way.

Someone once said for me not to worry, that she will always be looking down from heaven’s garden and that brought me a lot of comfort. So whether little Hop Hop is frolicking among a leafy garden munching on clovers, or chasing after falling stars on wispy clouds, I know that somewhere she is happy."

Here are the Pop Princess semi-finalists, in the order of which their work was received (just in case you or they were wondering!)

Meet the Semi Finalists:  In their own words! 


✩ Name: Elie

Credit: Elie
Artist Bio: 

Elie, age 19, a girl who loves all things sweet!

Raised by my grandmother, I devoted most of my time to studying and trying to figure out where I fit in. In my teens, I graduated with my Associates in Web Design, quickly followed by my Bachelors of Science in Multimedia Design. Having finished my education and not knowing what to do, I made a blog. Blogging first introduced me to Harajuku and Lolita fashion: I was in love, and wanted to leave my mark on the style. I haven’t been able to stop designing, and pursuing my dreams, since!

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:
© Elie
© Elie


✩ Name: Katie

 Artist Bio:

Hi, I’m Katie Badenhorst aka Origami Cupcake. I’m a South African living in Macedonia. I studied fine arts at university, and currently work as a freelance designer. I’m also a Tumblr addict, part-time lolita and full time Japanophile, with a love for Harajuku fashion, Ghibli movies, and classical poetry.

Last year my dream finally came true and I was able to visit Japan. Despite loving lolita for years, it was only when I came face to face with the fashion that I finally found the courage to take the leap and try it for myself. To me lolita is my secret identity, another self that loves cute things and isn’t afraid to stand out. I wish other people could also be encouraged to live out their fantasies.

When not dressing up, I also enjoy tea and travel.

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:


✩ Name: Mars

 Artist Bio:

Most of my work is sort of tongue-in-cheek; I try not to take it too seriously, and like finding a fun or humorous angle on the subject.  I also like drawing big hair and characterizing my figures through their hair and accessories.  I'm also occasionally guilty of living vicariously through my work, or painting something that I'd like. Much of my work is also influenced by friends and the colorful and fun nature they share.

I currently work as a full time in-house artist for Gaia Online alongside my husband.  Additionally, we do effects and motion graphics contract work for clients like Sony, RIM, Microsoft, and G4tv.  On the side, I occasionally work as one of TwinkieChan's crochet elves  I like to use my personal work to let go and not be serious.  Through it, I can be as silly or as cheeky as I want, or to exercise some ideas that didn't cut it for my job.  I also like to add a lot of inside jokes and references to friends and people I know, since I am normally pretty quiet and introverted.

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:


✩ Name: Caro

Artist Bio:

I'm a blogger and a Lolita designer! I've been a part of the Lolita community since the very early days of EGL and have been actively wearing Lolita for the better half of a decade now. I'm a big fan of old school Lolita pieces and love to collect older pieces. I love art with a bit of a retro feel or a quirk to it and would love to be able to create something like that for Pop Princess!

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:


✩ Name: Karlovy

Artist Bio:

I'm a 18 year old fashion major residing in New York City. I always wanted to do something in the art field since I was younger but before deciding to pursue a career in fashion I wanted to become a comic book artist. I took many classes during the summer and on weekends in illustration until I fell in love with lolita fashion. I was always into "eccentric" fashions previously but I never enjoyed something so much as I did with lolita fashion. After getting hooked on lolita fashion, I started researching and experimenting with other sub-culture fashions. It was then when I decided that I wanted to go into fashion design. 

It was difficult deciding which career I wanted to take since being an illustrator was a big dream of mine. I came to the conclusion that if I did go into fashion I could always do side comics and illustrations. It was not like I had to give up on drawing. So I made sure that along side studying on how to make patterns and sewing that I would continue practicing with different styles and mediums. I have really been happy with myself and my goals ever since I understood what I wanted in my life. When I become older and more stable, I want to create my own brand that reflects my happiness.

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:


✩ Name: Flor

Artist Bio:

Hello! I'm Flor (Flower) or Coffeshere as my artist name. I liked to draw since I was young and at some point of my life decided to go on the professional way. I enjoy anime and games specially rpg's. My grandmother used to work as a professional seamstress and my mom also studied to be a fashion designer and have thought me many stuff about the history of fashion which now I have a great passion for it! Adding that I love lolita fashion and I'm one myself, at some point I wanted to make my own designs and sell them but sewing turned to be more of a hobby for me and better decided to go full on illustration inspired by this beautiful fashion. Other things I like to do is character design for games and animation and BL mangas!

And I love cats!

Portfolio Link:

Creative Prompt Fabric Illustration Sketch:

So what's in store for our semi-finalists in this choose your own adventure story? The next challenge for our candidates will be to go through a series of harrowing trials and plot twists that will keep you, and them, on the edge of your seats! (Not really, just another series of interviews and questions to get to know you! ; ) )

After this, we will be narrowing it down to the final round! Each of them will be tasked with creating an illustrated fabric design based on their creative prompt, to interpret and create in their own unique way. With only three left, who will become the ultimate Pop Princess illustrator?!

Stay tuned!

So what do you think readers? Are you as excited as I am? Who is your favorite illustrator, and who would you like to see make it to the final round?

And would you like to see a "featured artist" collection in Pop Princess' future?


  1. I like the print of Caro most, closely followed by Karlovy!

  2. Wow!! Everyone did such an amazing job! I hope everyone makes it! haha

    1. ^-^ <3 I feel the same way, girls! They are SO talented!

  3. The art and print by Katie Badenhorst is my favorite. As soon as I saw it I screamed internally with joy! I might be biased towards strawberry prints, but wow that's so pefect and cute!

    1. ^o^ Bahahaha, that's too funny. I feel like Katie actually met Hopscotch in real life somehow, even though that's not possible, because the expressions are sooooo her! Very much like how Hop Hop looked when she was here with us. It made me happy too. <3

  4. So sad to hear about your bun! T^T But whoever gave you that advice couldn't have said it better :) You obviously care very muchly about your baby and she knew it ^-^
    And zomg, I could never choose between these prints! I want them all!!!! Sorry spazz moment xD

    1. I'm sure the artists are happy to know how much you like their work! They have given me a very tough job for sure! :o It was hard to narrow down everyone, since they all have so much passion and talent.

      Hehehe, your comments make me so happy! You are such a doll! <3

  5. I just squeeelled when I saw Elie's print, so detailed (and also my dreamdress print is dream sky >:D)
    Also Flor's print is uber cuteeeee >w<

    1. ^-^ <3 Ahaha, I'm so glad! I hope the artists are sitting here reading these blushing and smiling from all the love!

  6. I wonder how you will choose the winner,with all those wonderful entries,its almost imposible!Even I cant decide which I like the most <3 Everybody is so talented,for sure.Id totally buy a dress with al of these prints!!They also made the desing pretty fast!!

    I wish the best to all of them,no matter who win,Im sure you will make a womderful job together!! Good luck!! <3

  7. ^-^ <3 Thank you for your wonderful wishes!! They are all so fabulous, and it is SO hard to choose! They did a great job with only just a week to come up with the sketches! xo

  8. Mars' and Flor's designs are my favorite!! Oh I just love them!!! I wish those ones were really dresses!!!

    1. ^-^ <3 Keep an eye out for the final round! I think their illustrations will almost be finalized, and I bet they are going to be so beautiful! :3

      Also, all the illustrators are loving the praise and input, girls and guys! <3 You are making them smile!
