Wednesday, December 19, 2012

FRILL 2013: All Lolita Convention & Pop Princess Feature!

Dear Girls,

Just a quick update! ^-^ Which I'm very excited to announce, since I just found out this morning...
Pop Princess will be attending FRILL 2013 as both a guest, and a featured indie designer in the Frill boutique and fashion show this upcoming June 1-2! <3 :jumps up and down: How awesome and exciting is that?! This will be Pop Princess' 6th fashion show, 2nd designer panel, and first EVER ALL LOLITA CONVENTION!

Image belongs to:
Frill is the first convention specifically for lolitas (and dandies!) that is held down in Georgia for a weekend of frilly goodness! This will be the second time that Frill and all its cutie company have hosted the convention, there first time being last year in 2012! (When I first heard about it I was like, "Nooo, how did I miss something so awesome?!" So I was determined to find out about it this year!)

I think Victoria Suzanne Alice took some of the cutest photos, and did an interview back when Frill had their very first convention last year. Read Here it's super cute! And makes me even more excited to attend in person!

Hope you are as excited as I am! ^-^ I gotta get to sketching and designing asap! <3

I hope to see some of you there, and finally meet in person!


  1. I went last year and I'm 99% sure Victoria Suzanne Stella Alice wasn't actually in attendance. She just did an interview and took some pictures from some where. but I could be wrong. fingers crossed I get to go this yer too!
