Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Disney World Photo Shoot with Mary!

My lovely readers, I hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas holiday with both your friends and families, and that Santa was kind enough to bring you many cute presents! May you all have a wonderful new year, and may much happiness come with it!

A few posts back, I let you know that we were sending off Red Bunny Tea Party and the Alice in Wonderland dress to have it's own special photo shoot in Disney World! Well, the photos are in and
I am very proud to introduce you to our first ever, Pop Princess Spokes Model, Mary B!

And I would very much like to thank the photographer that generously offered to do this photo shoot, Matt. I would also like to thank Mary's boyfriend and prince, for making sure she had everything she needed to be the perfect princess!

♥ Meet Mary!

Why hello, Mary! Isn't she beautiful?
Q. Mary, would you tell us a little bit about yourself?
A. Questions like this are so hard for me because I never know where to begin, haha. Currently I am doing small side work as a freelance artist while I work as a cp in Walt Disney World and it's my eventual goal to be a concept artist, hopefully for Disney. I have done some modeling work before and I have been published in two anthologies for my poetry. My free time is spent drawing, playing video games, hiking, and admiring cute things on the internet.

Q. Were you super excited to be the first spokes model for the Pop Princess brand?
A. Of course, I was! I'm still excited! Even after my first shoot with the two dresses it still feels unreal and magical. I love Pop Princess very much and lolita is very close to my heart so this is a dream come true! I'm very blessed for this wonderful opportunity.
Q. Out of the two dresses, which was your favorite to model and why?  
A. Oh gosh, that is such a hard choice! They both are so beautiful and comfy in their own way. Red Velvet Bunny is so darling it makes my heart stop when it's in front of me. The print is so sweet and the material is so soft, warm, and breathable. It's perfect for spring, fall, and winter wear. It gives me that glowing cheeks, giggly feeling of being beautiful. Alice in Wonderland is breathtaking too! I am so in love with the cut, detailing, and the print! Alice is different from Red Velvet Bunny in that it gives me a more mature, beautiful warmth in my heart when I have it on. I could gush forever on these dresses! To be honest, I don't have a favorite because they are both so beautiful in their own way! I've worn tons of dresses in my life, but they are the first ones that make my instantly feel like a princess when I put them on. 

Q. So Disney World?! How awesome is that! Could you tell us a little bit about how the photo shoot went? Was it a good experience?
A. Disney World is fantastic! I went to Magic Kingdom and Epcot for the shoot. It was so much fun, even though it was crowded with the seasonal rush we were able to get some great shots. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. My photographer and I had a great time.

Q. What were some of your favorite moments of the photo shoot?
A. There were so many wonderful moments, but I'll try and narrow it down! One was when I went to see Alice in each dress and she went on and on about how much she loved my tea party dresses. Another was all the kind people stopping me to ask about the dresses and tell me they loved them.
It almost looks like Alice and Mary are dueling to see who has the better outfit!
I think they decided Mary's was the most awesome! Look at them hugging it out!

"Mom, Mom, I think this is a REAL princess!!"
A. My favorite moment hands down though was when a mother came up to me with her husband and two kids to ask if I would take a picture with her daughter who was to shy to ask me for a photo. The little girl was so nervous and she told her mom that she got a picture with a real princess! It was the sweetest thing ever! 

Q. It sounds like you had a lot of fun! :3 Thank you for working so hard, Mary!
A. No, dear, thank you! I'm so honored and happy to be the first spokes model for Pop Princess! I hope everybody enjoys the photos from the shoot. <333

Everyone clap a little at your computers as a standing (or sitting!) ovation for Miss Mary and her photographer, thanking them for their hard work and cute efforts! Isn't she adorable? :3

Let's see the rest of the photos!

As soon as the dresses arrive back from their adventure in Florida (ETA: one week?), they will be up for sale in the Pop Princess shop! : 3 Keep an eye out!

[EDIT Dec 31: UP FOR SALE!!!! Alice JSK and Red Bunny OP]

I hope everyone enjoyed this lovely interview, and photo shoot featuring Mary! <3

*Credits: Photographer Matt
*All designs belong to and are copyrighted by Pop Princess / Annika Simmons
Please do not repost without proper credits/permission


  1. this is very cute! great interview and fantastic dresses!!!

  2. So pretty and so fun! I love that the shoot was at Disney World, it makes it that much more special!

    1. ^-^ <3 Thank you! I'm super glad you enjoyed it! I was happy Mary was interning there, it worked out perfectly!

  3. Hi dear, happy belated New Year! May you know only happiness, love, health, wealth and success this year 2013!
    And allow me to congratulate your amazing sewing skills, both dresses are utterly magnificent! The velvet is a nice, unexpected touch.
    Also, my compliments to your choice of a model, she is a very pretty girl<3

    1. My darling Rosa, Happy Belated New Year! <3 I hope only love, smiles, and happiness fill your new year. :3 It's always so nice to hear from you!

      ^-^ Ah, thank you so much for the nice compliments!! It means so much to me! I am very proud of both these designs, and hope that my work will always improve and get better. As for Mary, I will tell her! This will make her smile! xox
