Saturday, September 7, 2013

Celebrating Pop Princess' Milestone: 1000+ followers, fans, and princess! VOTE: How should we celebrate?

We are very excited here at Pop Princess to announce that we have almost a 1000 followers on our Etsy shop page alone! <3 That's not counting all of you beautiful readers here, (70+, wow!) and all of our lovely fans (nearly 180!) on the Pop Princess Fan Page!

We felt like its time to do something very special to celebrate that milestone and celebrate our wonderful princess customers as soon as we reach it! ^^ And the best way to find out how you would like to celebrate is to ask, right?

So yet again, go cast that cute ballot and tell us how you'd like to celebrate!

Thank you so much for all your support, hard work, and encouraging efforts to keep Pop Princess going! Perhaps one day we can all gather in the Candy Kingdom to celebrate with a frilly tea party!



  1. Thank you! ^-^ <3 I'm very appreciative and grateful!

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