Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pop Princess Facebook Fan Page & Sneak Peeks of Starry Garden Designs!

So at the request of the adorable Kieli (whom I very much look forward to chatting with on Faceboooook : 3 ), I have finally gotten around to making a fan page so I can chat and keep up to date with you cuties real time! This is where I'll be posting major updates, info about reservations/pre-orders, sneak peek photos of runway garments, and hopefully showing of you beauties wearing your Pop Princess frills in the future! ; 3

Just to get you to go look at it... a sneaky sneaky photo of Starry Garden in lavender!

© Pop Princess//Annika Simmons & Flor Lopez 2013
Hope to meet and chat with all of you very soon! <3


  1. Yay!!!! Grats on your shiny new fan page! I already became a fan!~<3 I totally look forward to chatting with you and see all the awesome updates you have for us! X3

    1. Me too, me too, me tooo! <3 I was super happy to see you! : 3

  2. Ooohhh wow, the tension is killing me!! xD I can't wait to see the final product!! <3

    1. ^-~ I'm so happy to hear you say it, Elie! I think they are turning out pretty good so far <3
