Monday, April 15, 2013

Tekkoshocon Fashion Show: Pop Princess Twirls Down the Runway!

This past weekend at the Tekkoshocon convention out in Pittsburgh, Pop Princess had the honor of being a part of their fashion show! Though I was not able to attend in person, I heard that it was a big success with a nice turn out and seemed to excite a lot of people, which is always nice to hear. And I think the person that we should all thank for working so hard to bring this show to life is, Miss Cat and company! She was in charge of running and producing the show, so everyone say, "Thanks for being so awesome and wonderful, girl!"

Three outfits were mailed out to Miss Cat and driven out to the convention to appear on the runway! Such beautiful dresses, of course, had to be modeled by three equally as beautiful girls: Amy, Jennifer, and Charlotte! As our Pop Princess ambassador, I put Amy in charge of all the details from choosing models, to coordinating outfits, and anything else in between! (And of course, she did an amazing job, which I knew she would. You're the best, Amy!)

Photo Credit: Shana H.
These are the girls in their cute cute cute outfits and don't they look adorable?

Models from L to R: Jennifer in Alice in Wonderland Frame JSK, Amy in Red Bunny Tea Party, and Charlotte in Silky Bow Tie Ruffle Blouse and Rose Jewelry Skirt
Aw, Amy, sooo adorable and awesome!
Jennifer, looking super duper cute and elegant!
And Charlotte looking so pretty!

You are fantastic girls, all my love! <3 xo

Thank you SO much for your hard work, lovelies, it means so much to me! More photos/videos to come hopefully! Two of our designs are shown in this video starting at 2:03!

UPDATE: Here is a video featuring the Pop Princess girls dancing with famous international J-pop singer, Chii Sakurabi at the Tekko show! <3 Waiii, isn't that awesome???

Were you able to see the fashion show in person? How did you like the designs? ^o^ If you have any video of photos, I'd love to see them!

(Credits: Photographer:  Feytaline Lauren M. //Models: Amy, Charlotte, and Jennifer)

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