Saturday, January 12, 2013

Call for Illustrators: Fabric Design Collaboration with Pop Princess

My darling readers,

I will keep this brief only because I have been working back to back days, and I am quite sleepy and tired, and not really great feeling. (Back you, evil flu germs, back!!! I can't get sick!) I have just announced a call for illustrators on the EGL community forums, and I wanted to let all of you know about it of course! ^-^ <3

Pop Princess is looking to hook up with another talented artist and make some custom illustrated fabric yardage to be featured at this year's FRILL 2013, all lolita convention, where it will be featured on the runway as well as the boutique! <3

Read full details below! I look forward to working with one of you!


  1. I would really like to enter.
    It is ok if I comment here with te required answers instead of on egl? Because I dont have a lj account,sorry ñ_ñ

    1. Yes, I think that would be okay! ^-^ I don't have a way to screen your comment though, so I couldn't hide your personal email or any of that info!

    2. Ok,so leet´s try <3

      First Name: Carlota
      A Portfolio Link:
      A Little About Yourself: I never know what to say when I have to talk about myself ._. Well,actually I´m not as illustrator,I´m sstudying law.But desing and art is my true passion.I have been desingning lolita clothes even before I knew what did "lolita" exactly mean. Since I got more into lolita, I tried to improve more my desings,and I´m now trying to create beautiful original prints ~ Btw,some day I´d like to see my desings come true *v* I´m also a big fan of Imai Kira and I´d like to be so cool like she is <3
      What Makes You The Right Candidate for Pop Princess?: lol,to be honest,I don´t know if I would be the "right" candidate.I have never done this seriosly before e_e If you selected me, you´ll have to give me a few basic instructions instructions. I´m also still improving with prints.Despite that,I think I can have original ideas and I can work on almost every style.From the sweetest to the most gothic ~ I can easily get inspiration,and when it comes to draw,I can be pretty quick <3 Before drawing,I also spend a lot of times looking for inspiration on Lolita shops and ilustrations.I have even a notebook where I collect illustrations of 17-19 centuries clothes, and it gives me a lot of original ideas n_n

    3. Thanks, Carlota! <3 A few more days and I'll make the announcement! <3

  2. I am sorry if this is late. I just realized you needed to have a blog or account to post a comment so I just made one for you. I am posting here because I also do not have a live journal account.

    Name: Sicart


    A Portfolio Link:

    A Little About Yourself:

    I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Art and I have been working as an artist in the Orlando tourist industry for over five years. I also have worked at a printmaking studio. I use traditional mediums such as charcoal, graphite, ink, and acrylics; I can also create works in Adobe Illustrator for digital art which has been more inspiring for me lately.

    My favorite sweet prints are by Angelic Pretty and Baby the Stars Shine Bright because they are detailed and carry a consistent theme. I prefer Innocent World and Moi-Même-Moitié though since I feel that the composition of their prints balances the design on the dress creating a perfect balance.

    What Make You the Right Candidate for Pop Princess?

    I am dedicated and easy to work with, especially when we are talking about art. I take directions well and accept criticism humbly. I love illustration and would like to have an opportunity to create a functional and fashionable piece of art. If you are interested in more sweet and whimsical designs I am a good person to work with since my current job has me selling an abundance of cute designs. I can gauge which of my designs garner international appeal or are “works in progress”. I look forward to the chance to illustrate a special print for Le Pop Princess!

    1. Well you made it under the deadline, so I'll copy your info into the candidates list! I'll be sending out an email today announcing our semi-finalists!
