Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pop Princess @ Otakon 2012 Lolita Fashion Show/Collection Photos

I am finally back from a whirlwind trip out in Baltimore, Maryland to attend and participate in the Otakon 2012 Lolita Fashion Show! I know how excited all of you have been to see some of the new collection pieces, especially the ones on the runway. So for those of you who were not able to attend, I wanted to give you a visual crash course of the runway show! : 3

Let me know which pieces/designs are your favorites, and what you'd like to see more of! ^-^ <3 With that being said, all of these can be found for sale at Pop Princess! If you see something you like but it's not in your size, I will be happy to do custom orders. <3

Keep an eye out for Pop Princess' interview with Mary Nine/tank9 as well as more runway video footage in the future! <3 Until then here is one video to watch: 

*Credits: Yenra Photography & Rich Lee
*Models: Mary N., Amy L., Sarah A. Jennifer B., Angelica T.

Newest Dress Detail Photos: 

Black Bunny Tea Party OP (w/o Chiffon Ruffle Blouse)

Pink Bunny Tea Party OP (w/o Silky Creme Ruffle Bow Tie Blouse)

Strawberry Kitty OP


 *All designs belong to and are copyrighted by Pop Princess/Annika Simmons


  1. Asdhflkd. All of its sooo gorgeous! *-* I really would like to make it out to Otakon next year :3

  2. o^-^o Awww thank youuu! I'm so glad you liked them! Which ones were your favorites? <3 The show itself was actually really, really fun! If you make it out to Otakon next year, tell me and maybe we can meet up! :3

    1. That would be great!<3 and I think my favorites would be a tie between the Strawberry Kitty OP and the Pink Bunny Tea Party OP :D

    2. ^-^ <3 It's a hard choice between those two for me as well! And I'm sure you would get great exposure for your Etsy shop there too!

  3. I didn't even think about that, haha! Hopefully by then I'll at least have somewhat of a following with my store, and I'm working towards getting even better quality materials and more professional photos. A year seems like a long time, but it'll probably go by faster than I think xP

    1. ^-^ I'm sure you're going to do great! <3 Just keep working hard and everything should fall into place!

  4. These are awesome ... and I liked seeing YOU on the runway too! You really do have your own brand -- and the tenacity to succeed! I love this presentation and your attention to detail!!!!!! Director 007

  5. Your show was great! I'm glad you posted such high quality photos, I was modeling for Haenuli and didn't get to see your girls walk. Love your designs!

  6. o^-^o Ah thank you so much!! That means so much to me!! I didn't even realize you were there amidst all the hustle and bustle and chaos until after I saw your blog post! I would have loved to say hello to you in person! xo Maybe next time! I saw photos and you looked lovely in Haenuli's work!
